Collagen Biostimulators

Collagen Biostimulators

Sculptra Radiesse Elleva | Collagen Biostimulator in Fortaleza

Collagen biostimulator: what is it? How it works?

One thing is certain: we are all under constant
aging process.

The biggest sign of this appears around our 25 to 30 years of age and, thus, unfolds slowly awakening clear effects on our appearance. especially to decreased collagen production .

Because of this, many women look for a way to slow down the effects of aging on your skin, finding solutions such as biostimulators. But after all, what is this? How it works? What kind of effect do they awaken?

Today we will answer your questions! Follow the article and you will understand everything you want to know about the collagen biostimulator and how it works.

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Collagen biostimulator: what is it?

Collagen is nothing more than a protein naturally produced by our body, throughout our lifetime.

It is found in numerous fabrics. For example:

  • bones
  • Nails
  • Hair
  • tendons

Its main role is to contribute to the sustenance and firmness of our skin. As time passes, however, its natural impact reduces, producing fewer substances.

You biostimulators they are little invasive, biocompatible and hardly reveal an allergy in the patient who undergoes such a procedure. When applied to the skin, the results begin to emerge from the second month after application.

As we can see, it is not an immediate result! But it is, in fact, lasting . Its resistance effects can exceed 20 months .

And what are the main collagen biostimulators ?

  • Polylactic Acid (Sculptra Fortaleza)
  • calcium hydroxyapatite
  • polycaprolactone

you are looking for biostimulators in Fortaleza ? Click here to know the best skin treatment in Fortaleza!


But after all, how collagen biostimulator act when injected into the skin ?

Collagen biostimulator: how does it work?

Like the collagen biostimulators act on our skin?

It's actually quite simple! Biostimulators act to reverse the loss of collagen that we suffer from the age of 30, activating the producing cells to get back to work at restoration of skin firmness .

It is possible to treat:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Inner face of arms
  • Inner side of thighs
  • Buttocks

The number of applications per year depends on the degree of sagging of each client . The body region, however, needs greater assistance!

To the collagen induction therapies on the body are of great importance for those who wish to shave a few years off their appearance, using collagen bio stimulants as a solution to rapid aging.

But will this procedure it's really worth it ?

What are the main benefits?

Collagen biostimulator benefits

Are we going to know some of the main benefits of biostimulators on our skin?

Now you are aware that this type of substance is ideal for those who seek facial rejuvenation .

After all, collagen biostimulators are purely synthetic substances . These substances, when they come into contact with the skin, awaken a inflammation stimulating collagen production . This naturally causes the skin to build firmness and ensure greater resistance under the effects of time.

And what are the main benefits? Check out:

  • Improves skin elasticity
  • facial rejuvenation
  • Firmness and greater resistance
  • Reduction in expression marks
  • Stimulation of collagen production that delays aging

O collagen biostimulator It is certainly a trend for youth! Increasingly sought after by celebrities, this procedure has attracted the attention of people in different regions of Brazil.

Even in Fortaleza! The presence of collagen biostimulators in Fortaleza grows every day, serving as a great option anti aging .

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Will it really be worth it? invest in an anti aging procedure or facial rejuvenation?

If you are looking for a way to treat your skin and give it back its youth, yes! It's worth it to you. Several celebrities do the procedure annually and have clear results.

The Elleva biostimulator operates in the injectable aesthetic procedure, representing the Rennova brand - known worldwide!

This began to be commented and praised in several regions of Brazil, including the dermatology sector located in Strength. Especially after the moment when the presenter Sabrina Sato accomplished it!

Sabrina - a beautiful woman in her 40s - confessed that she takes a particular interest in her aesthetics; sharing in 2020 some procedures used to deal with sagging.

One of them was the use of the famous Elleva biostimulators, Radiesse and Hydroxypathy of calcium, with the aim of maintaining the firmness of the skin.

If you are from Ceará, you can find the best professionals for your skin rejuvenation procedure in Fortaleza

You can get more information at Clinical IBR , Biostimulators in Fortaleza.

Follow our posts and stay tuned for news from the aesthetics market!

The main questions and answers about the Facelift with PDO Threads in Fortaleza

  • How often are the Facial Slimming sessions done

    Intervals of 30 to 60 days between sessions.

  • Is the Collagen Biostimulators procedure for me?

    To find out if the procedure is suitable for your case, we must carry out a prior evaluation at our clinic where we will outline the plan with the possible treatments and, if applicable, the Collagen Induction procedure in Fortaleza... The number of sessions required.

  • Is it sore?

    It practically does not hurt because the treatment is injectable, non-surgical and practically painless as it is performed after anesthesia.

  • Is there a right age to have the procedure?

    Does not exist. It can be done from 18 years old up to 60, 70 or 80 years old, it is at this age that the face is more sagging.

What is Facial Filler (Hyaluronic Acid®)?

Hyaluronic Acid is synthetically produced, highly safe, as it is a basic component of human skin. It is injectable, minimally invasive and comfortable for the patient, performed under local anesthesia.

The main procedures are:

● Lip filling

(Volume and definition around the lips)

Mandibular filling

(Definition of the Jaw)

Malar filling


● Nasolabial Filler

(Wrinkles running from nose to mouth)

● Rhinomodelation

(Nose filling - corrects irregularities)

Who performs the procedure of Collagen Biostimulators in Fortaleza?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

doctor Igor Ribeiro Rola
Dentist in Fortaleza | doctor Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro

- Graduation inDentistryfrom the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduate in Prosthesis (UNICHRISTUS)
- University extension in Semi-Intensive English Program. (Stetson University), SU, United States.
- Post in Facial Harmonization - Miami Anatomical Research Center (MARC) - Miami, USA

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