3Molar extraction (wisdom tooth)

3rd molar extraction

| Wisdom tooth extraction in Fortaleza |

What is 3rd Molar Extraction (Wisdom)?

The third molar extraction surgery, or as it is popularly known, wisdom tooth, wisdom tooth or toothpaste, is a common procedure, performed in a dental office in Fortaleza, and can be performed by a dentist.

And after all, when is it necessary to remove the wisdom tooth?

- When to gum is constantly inflamed (swollen) in place.
- When the patient's dental arch does not have space to accommodate you
- When the tooth erupts in the wrong position, preventing the correct bite
-when the tooth is included in (inside the bone) and there's no room for it to get out
- When there is no opposite tooth, without chewing about it
- When the patient can't sanitize properly, generating infections due to tartar and cavities.

If at least one of these factors is present, it is extremely important to extract the wisdom tooth as it can lead to several other problems.

What if I don't remove the third molar? Oral problems resulting from non-extraction.

*If only one of these factors is present, it is extremely important to extract the wisdom tooth because it can lead to several other problems.

Watch the video and see the complications that can be caused if the wisdom tooth is not removed.
  • gum inflammation
  • Compromise of other teeth due to difficulty in cleaning
  • Dental, oral and even cardiovascular infections
  • Compromised dental alignment (crooked lower teeth)
  • Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) or Headaches due to the feeling of "pressure on the teeth"
Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult your dentist for a careful evaluation to find out whether or not tooth extraction (wisdom tooth removal) is recommended.

We are Specialists in wisdom tooth extraction (extraction) in Fortaleza

  • When is the best time to perform 3rd molar surgery?

    The surgery can be done at any age. Despite this, the ideal moment is between 16 and 18 years old, when the tooth is not yet born and the roots are not yet formed - which makes the procedure simpler. However, it can be performed at any age if you have an indication or the tooth is having complications.

  • What is the wisdom tooth extraction process like?

    In order for the wisdom tooth extraction surgery to be carried out properly, it is necessary to carry out a clinical examination in the office and, subsequently, a radiographic examination (which can be a Periapical X-ray, Panoramic, or, in special cases, Computed Tomography - at the discretion of the dentist).

  • What are the postoperative cares?

    At the end of the procedure, a wet gauze is placed in the involved region, for the patient to bite, applying pressure, in order to stop the bleeding.

  • Are there any contraindications?

    Patients with poor health or who need some kind of medical treatment and are not being treated, it is recommended to postpone the extraction of the wisdom teeth until they are healthy (eg diabetics and uncompensated hypertensives). The same goes for cases where the tooth region is very inflamed - in this case, you choose to wait for the inflammation to subside.

08 Reasons to extract your wisdom teeth safely:
1 ⃣ Poor hygiene due to its more posterior location and consequently high incidence of carious lesions;
2 ⃣ Lack of space for its complete eruption;
3 ⃣ Pressure or pushing on neighboring teeth that generates risks of trauma and / or loss of tooth alignment;
4 ⃣ Changes in the normality of bite and speech motivated by the presence of wisdom teeth;
5 ⃣ Sisos taken by recurring infection, such as cavity or periodontal disease of complicated treatment;
6 ⃣ Wisdoms in contact with the root of second molars, which may cause pain and need for canal treatment in the future;
7 ⃣ If the wisdom teeth are causing pain in other parts of the face, such as the jaw and ears, other possible causes for the pain have already been investigated; It is
8 ⃣ Impacted teeth: which cannot “be born” due to lack of space or poor position within the jaws

If you are in Fortaleza and would like to make an appointment to find out whether or not you need a SISO tooth extraction, click on the Whatsapp and clear all your doubts.

| Tooth removal in Fortaleza | Wisdom Tooth Extraction | Inflamed gum 3rd molar

Who performs this procedure?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

Dr. Fernanda Santos
Dental surgeon

- Degree in Dentistry from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduated in Oral Surgery.
- Postgraduate in Facial Harmonization.

Dentist in Fortaleza-CE

Wisdom tooth extraction in media.
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