First Consultation - CheckUP Digital

1st Consultation - Digital CheckUp

|CheckUp com camera intra-oral |

Believing that the PREVENTION is always the best course of action, the Bill Rola Dental Laser Center brought, in 2020, this NEWS for your patients!
Click on the video above to see more details about the digital CheckUp - an evaluation that will detect cavities, dental tartar, infiltrations of old resins, fractured amalgams (metal restorations)

The Digital Check-up is a clinical examination, carried out in the office, with an INTRA-ORAL CAMERA.

The Intra-Oral Camera allows better visualization of oral structures, search for caries, infiltrations, calculus (tartar), fractures in restorations or dental structure, search for oral lesions or any irregularities present in the oral cavity with much more clarity. All of this, with the possibility of showing such images to the patient, via the Ipad, simultaneously with the exam we performed in Fortaleza.

How can the camera visualize tartar, caries, oral lesions, infiltrations?

The Intra-Oral Camera is an instrument easily adaptable to all regions of the oral cavity, therefore, it allows the visualization of all the structures of interest, in both arches, in the tongue, cheeks, with much more clarity than with just the clinical mirror.

Schedule your evaluation with us now in Fortaleza CE!

Caries: cavities or stains (white, yellow or black) on the teeth, caused by acids produced by bacteria present in the mouth. It can cause pain.

Caries infiltration: it is related to old - or even recent - restorations that have irregular, poorly finished and unpolished edges, facilitating the deposition of food and bacteria between the restoration and the tooth, favoring the appearance of caries.

Calculus (Tartarus): calcified union of food remains, saliva and bacteria from the oral cavity, causing inflammation in the gums and bone loss, which can cause pain and mobility (or loss) of the tooth.

Dental or Restorative Fracture: old or recent restorations may suffer fractures, according to the type of forces to which they are subjected during mastication. Hard foods, parafunctional habits (eg bruxism) or wrong occlusion (bite) can be the cause.

Intra-Oral Injury/Extra-Oral Injury: canker sores, blisters, herpes, cuts and mucoceles are some examples of injuries that can be found in the oral cavity and that need to be diagnosed by the dentist for correct treatment.

Dental Tartar Shaving | Dental Calculation

Dental tartar is an accumulation of bacterial plaque that petrifies around the tooth and, once formed, with traditional brushing, it is practically impossible to remove. It becomes necessary to use a specific equipment called dental ultrasound.

Schedule a Digital CheckUp with us in Fortaleza

If you are in Fortaleza and would like to make an appointment to find out whether or not you need a SISO tooth extraction, click on the Whatsapp and clear all your doubts.

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Who performs this procedure?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

Dr. Fernanda Santos
Dental surgeon

- Degree in Dentistry from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduated in Oral Surgery.
- Postgraduate in Facial Harmonization.

Dentist in Fortaleza-CE

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