Jowl Lipoplasty (Deoxicolic Acid®)

jowl lipo

| jowl lipo in Fortaleza |

foto de paciente diga adeus a papada lipoplastia e lipo enzimatica de papada

What is Jowl Lipoplasty?

The treatment done a few years ago in the USA (called Kybella®) became a fever among artists because it is a "Jowl Lipo" (without cuts and without pain) and is done with the use of microinjections of Deoxycholic Acid®, which when applied throughout the region manage to free the face from the undesirable jowls. These microinjections break down the fat cells around the neck, completely eliminating the area known as the jowls or double chin. Before, there were only options like liposuction or a face and neck lift (and now that has changed!)

paciente lipoplastia de papada clinica localizada na cidade de fortaleza estado ceara

How is done?

First, a photographic session is done to know the real indication of the case, and subsequent study.

In the second session, the areas to be applied are marked (approximately 20 points with microinjections)

- Procedure lasts around 15 to 20 minutes

imagem de lipo de papada antes e depois com resultado da lipo enzimática removendo a gordura localizada submetual em clinica em fortaleza

Why do?

As there are no muscles capable of burning this fat located in the submental region (jowls), this product is used to "dissolve" this fat. If you have a correct indication and it is not removed, the skin can create irreversible sagging over the years.

enzymatic lipo
Lipo de Papada in Fortaleza - CE
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Who performs this procedure?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

doctor Igor Ribeiro Rola

- Degree in Dentistry from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduate in Prosthesis (UNICHRISTUS)
- University extension in Semi-Intensive English Program. (Stetson University), SU, United States.
- Post in Facial Harmonization - Miami Anatomical Research Center (MARC) - Miami, USA
Dentist in Fortaleza-CE

Lipoplasty in the Media.
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