hair transplant

Hair transplant: how it works, results, price in Fortaleza

Interested in knowing about hair transplantation in Fortaleza?

I understand.

Hair is one of the most beloved points in different cultures. After all, threads have a wide and intense power to shape our face, allowing for different options to present ourselves in social life.

And they are important for both men and women, being represented in different ways, varying in color, size and even shape.

This is precisely why the loss of it bothers you so much, since many people, as is probably your case, see hair as an important point for self-esteem and also for everyday life.

And it is, I agree. And I'm glad that today we have the science to help solve this question.

That said, if you want to understand EVERYTHING about
hair transplant in Fortaleza, you are in the right place. Continue reading and find out how it works, in addition to answering all your questions about before, during and after the procedure.

What is it for and who can do a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a low-complexity surgical procedure, performed with the aim of implanting “hair” follicles from a region where they still grow, to a region where growth no longer exists, in order to restimulate the area.

There are few contraindications, but they exist and we need to warn. Therefore, hair transplantation is not an option for those who have:

  • Generalized hair loss
  • severe alopecia
  • Donation scarce zones
  • Scars in the collection and implant region

The definition of the treatment must be made by a dermatologist specialized in the procedure, in order to guarantee that the patient meets all the necessary prerequisites to obtain a good result.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure can happen in two basic ways:

  • FUT - technique that takes less time, but which removes a large portion of the scalp (with an incision of a few centimeters) to perform the hair transplant.

  • FUE - longer technique, which can take a few sessions, where micro incisions are made to remove follicles from the scalp.

There is also a preparation process for the extracted follicles, so that they are correctly implanted in the necessary regions.

Basic steps of hair transplant in Fortaleza

In order for the hair transplant to occur successfully, three moments must be respected, which we describe below.

1. Preoperative

Step that occurs after a previous evaluation by the dermatologist, who confirms that the patient is fit for the transplant.

In the preoperative period, in addition to explaining better how the procedure works, some tests will be carried out to confirm that the patient is in good health to participate in it. Are they:

  • Complete blood count
  • Analysis of kidney and liver function
  • Evaluation of viral markers
  • Checking the patient's coagulation

With the confirmation that everything is fine, the dermatologist will also delimit the areas that will be transplanted and mark the procedure.

2. Operative

The hair transplant procedure will follow some basic steps, namely:

  • Review of the delimited area for extraction and transplantation;
  • Performing localized anesthesia;
  • Extraction and preparation of follicles;
  • Transplantation of follicles in the demarcated areas.

Remembering that during the preoperative period, the dermatologist will decide, according to the patient's condition, which is the best technique to guarantee a successful hair transplant for the patient.

3. Postoperative

After performing the hair transplant, the patient will not be hospitalized, but must rest for at least 24 hours at home.

He will still receive a prescription for the following medications:

  • Analgesic for possible pain, as the region may become sensitive;
  • Antibiotic, in order to prevent infections;
  • Anti-inflammatory, to contain possible swelling in the region;
  • Substance to help prevent hair loss and hair growth.

It is expected that the new hair will take between 8 to 12 months after the transplant before it can start to grow in the region.

What is the cost of a hair implant in Fortaleza?

There are several hair transplant specialists in Fortaleza, and the price of the procedure is currently ranging from R$18,000.00 to R$50,000.00 depending on the type of transplant and the chosen specialist.

The good news is that the procedure, when performed on patients who have no contraindications, will bring excellent and long-lasting results, restoring many people's self-esteem.

Hair transplantation is a safe, effective and necessary procedure.

Yes, completely necessary. After all, it is with hair transplantation that people resume their own lives when they manage to seize the chance to see their hair growing, recovering self-esteem.

Finally, if you're thinking of making a hair transplant in Fortaleza , know that it is a super right decision, since that the place is a reference when it comes to getting self-esteem back through hair transplantation.

Who performs this procedure?

IBR Clinic Team - Plastic Surgeons specialized in

Capillary Implant in Fortaleza

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